We've all been there.
You promise yourself that this week you're going to meal prep, you're going to work out for three days, you're going to go to bed early and wake up early. You create vision boards for your career, business and life and you're excited about the possibilities of the future. But life kicks in and sometimes kicks our butt, and we often feel bogged down by life's everyday responsibilities. Many of our goals from this week and this month are moved to next week and next month. Ultimately we feel like we're failing.
It's okay sis, we've all been there. Falling off track doesn't make us a failure, it makes us human.
We found a great article titled: Get Back on Track: 7 Strategies to Help You Bounce Back After Slipping Up, written by James Clear a behavioral psychologist. The article reads "There will always be instances when following your regular routine is basically impossible. You don’t need superhuman willpower, you just need strategies that can pull you back on track."